Performing Pilgrimage has been a great honor for me. Thanks almighty Allah.

Getting up early in the morning on 10th February made me relaxed after listening the news about going to pilgrimage. I was told by father to fix the backpack and luggage for this holy trip. I was very happy because it was my desire to visit this holy place and see the holy and historical places related to Islam in MAKKAH. So I gathered all the luggage stepped out for Islamabad Airport. The crowd of my fans received me, which really delighted my soul and made me proud. Some of them came towards me and started talking and taking selfies as a sign of respect and love towards me and my precious words. I always receive a strong support and love by my fans where ever I go and I respect their feelings,which they show towards me. As I was getting late for boarding, I took the permission from my surroundings and stepped forward for the boarding process. Getting in plane made me meet with the captain and other members where they also showed their love towards me. At last the plane flied and I started the holy journey towards the holy place, MAKKAH. The seats were very comfortable and I was eagerly waiting for the landing and go towards the holy pilgrimage as it was my first time visiting there.

At last the plane landed and I stepped outside of the plane, finding the holy MAKKAH, a place of peace and harmony. I was eagerly waiting to step in HARAM SHARIF because I wanted to pray for a lot of people,who requested me to pray for.

At last, I stepped inside of MAKKAH and find the place, the most beautiful and attractive place in the world. My eyes could not get away from the KAABA SHARIF because this was the place I yearned for.

I performed the pilgrimage with Heart and love and started praying for my country Pakistan.

I visited a lot of places and there I also find a lot of people talking to me and giving wishes. The library made me feel hastating as I spent a couple of hours there reading the books about lives of the prophets.

I spent a great time there and desired to visit this holy place again and again because I have a strong love towards KAABA SHARIF.


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