Aged 10, Hammad Safi, belongs to district Momand previously known as (Momand Agency )(FATA) is an intelligent kid who has astonished many people by his vision of seeing an Educated Pakistan. He has so far earned name for being The Youngest Teacher, Freelancer,inspirational and Motivational Speaker, TV Anchor and writer. Hammad safi is the student head of a department called ‘supper kids program’ (SKP) at the University of Spoken English & Computer Sciences and has been under keen observation of teachers and mentors who have been helping him learn with a better rate. Believing in the concepts and doctrine of Allama Iqbal, this kid, when speaks, gives the audience with goose bumps and leaves them with hallucination.Hammad Safi started his career as a student at USECS in a program called supper kids.where his extraordinary skills were discovered and developed by his teachers. According to his teachers he loves studying and is interested in doing something different in a smart and easy way. There is a spark that is clearly visible in his eyes that arises with an “I Can Do” attitude. He has a greeted vision of seeing the ONE, STRONG AND EDUCATED PAKISTAN. He has been working for it by speaking in many national and international seminars and has taken the minds of the public away with 900k+ active followers on social Media . hammad is an inspirational speaker too, because to him motivation is telling the people what to and inspiration is putting the people into doing it practically, inspiring public means making a higher standard of the lives of the people who are living a life that is far below the graph of poverty and the word of poverty doesn’t only include economic crises but to him a man without education is poorer than a man having no money.Hammad is a hardworking kid who tries to confront any challenge given to him. His training includes reading Newspaper, Books, Magazines and case studies. He also works with computer for collecting data. To an answer of a question he said, “I believe that bringing Revolution is not possible unless latest Standards of education are met. I believe that if our entire system is restructured in which teaching computer skills is mandatory, Pakistan will soon become a world leader in providing the best education to youth who, I think, are the future of this country. He also is of the view that Pakistan is the country of talented people where people with unique characteristics are born .He added a couplet of Allama Iqbal that is:“And Iqbal is not at all hopeless of his barren lands With a Little Moisture, this soil is extremely fertile”Peshawar is known as the city of flowers and is famous for its hospitality, however, Education system is not as good as Hammad is thinking it to be. “I want a System that educates students not only academically but also morally, ethically and behaviorally, a system where students learn without the fear of failure and greed of Awards.They study for the purpose of becoming a good human being and to me a good human being is the one who, through his work, incorporates something GOOD to this world, gives benefit to human and enthuses others into doing something better than him” Said HammadBelieving in peace, harmony, coexistence and humanity, his lectures are not confined to teaching English or Freelancing only but also includes proliferating awareness about what is right and wrong. He is a diehard follower of Holy Prophet SAWS and Allama Iqbal who brought revolution in the sub-continent India through his mysterious poetry and work.Hammad Safi, who wants a Pakistan which is better than any other country in the world, is a real inspiration for everyone. A country where quality education is equally available for all. A system that doesn’t generate graduates but highly learned scholars.
Hammad safi is the student head of a department called supper kids program (SKP) at the University of Spoken English & Computer Sciences Peshawar ,where he studies modern languages, Computer expertise , Iqbal the mysterious , patriotism Professional dynamism and communication skills. His unconventional way of study has made him capable of understanding and knowing what other students learn at the age from 22 to 25. His main focus, as he says in most of his lectures, is the empowerment f youth because he thinks that a country, with educated and professional youth, is a place of creativity, ingenuity, progress, innovation and invention. He not only studies academic curriculum but his studies incorporates the analysis of the factors that are deviating our youth from the right direction to a wrong path that leads toward ethical, moral and legal destruction.
Hammad Safi is known to be the youngest professor and the Youngest Journalist. He has so far delivered lectures on various topics in different universities. Most of his lectures are patriotic and focus the love and affection toward the country. His focus is also to educate the youth on how to make good living and a successful life by means of getting the practical knowledge and implementing the learned knowledge and teaching it to others as well. With a vision of making One, Educated and Strong Pakistan, Hammad at the age of 11 has become a heart throb of the people who have listened to him and have started following him on social and electronic media. He has so far appeared on national and international media and has also been nominated for many national and international awards and conferences where he would present his ideas on how to bring educational reforms.
Hamad has seen many problems in the education system of Pakistan and has addressed the solutions of those problems in many lectures that he has delivered from Dir (KPK) to Karachi (Sindh). He thinks that development of a country actually lies in the development in the thoughts of the people. And changing the thoughts of the people is not an overnight job, it takes years and decades but a sheered endeavor and untiring effort incorporated by all the citizens of Pakistan may make Pakistan a country that Iqbal had dreamt of. A country where people are uncorruptable and unpurchasable, where people don’t give up on their country, where people get stronger when the conditions get tougher, they don’t back off on any situation
A Country where there is an equal education system for everyone, be it rich or poor, A Country where people are united on one platform with a knowledge of right and wrong, A Country where people stand WITH EACH OTHER – FOR EACH OTHER. A Country with positive people and image. According to an international news agency ( AFP). Safi speaks into his wireless microphone, his hand gestures practiced and his confidence unwavering before the attention of his elders at The University of Spoken English and computer sciences (USECS) in Peshawar.The pint-sized motivational coach is already an online star on social media with more than one million subscribers. Some videos have been viewed millions of times.Some of his advice may sound hackneyed: “Every second is a challenge,” he says in one video. “Failure is the basis of success.” But his audiences don’t seem to mind. Bilal Khan, a political science student twice Safi’s age who came to listen to his speech, said the boy wonder had had a profound effect on him. “A few months ago I was really disappointed with life…

I was (thinking) about suicide,because there are no jobs and no success in life,” he told AFP. “Then I saw a video lecture of Hammad Safi. I thought, if an 11-year-old child can do anything, why can’t I?” Online comments also shower him with praise. “People love him because he’s just talking, he’s a hit every time,” says Samiullah Waqil, one of his former English teachers. Safi’s youth and precociousness seem to form part of the enchantment. But he is also seen as presenting a positive image of Pakistan, one that resonates powerfully with his listeners.Discussing the distinguished poet Allama Iqbal, Safi says: “If he had not been there, I or anyone else would surely be cleaning the toilet in the house of an Englishman.” ‘I inspire the universe’ At Spoken university , the faculty see him as a “nanha professor”, or little teacher; a protege who could go on to great things one day — though what, exactly, they are looking for from him remains undefined. Safi was studying at a traditional school but also taking English classes at USECS,
where he was quickly noticed for his “phenomenal self-confidence”, says director Ammer Sohail. Shortly afterwards, he left his school to be full-time at USECS, continuing his English studies and embarking on his motivational career. The university, made up largely of working-class students, now has Safi offer motivational lectures each week, in addition to his growing internet fan base. His “job”, says Sohail, is to encourage the poorer students, “to give them hope, so that they break their glass ceiling” in a country with glaring education inequality, and where more than 40 per cent of the population is illiterate, according to UN data. “We want it to spread this education awareness to the whole country,” he says emphatically. Safi’s father, a wealthy 48-year-old businessman from Peshawar named Abdul Rehman Khan, agrees. “He is not on ordinary child,” he explains. “People have seen something in him. I have myself seen abilities in him. That’s why I have appointed special teachers for him. I want him to become a special leader. “I’m very proud… For his abilities, for his intelligence, he is God-gifted.” Safi repeats the sentiment, though sometimes he gives the impression of doing so by rote. “I am an inspiration, not only for Pakistan, but for the world. I inspire the entire universe,” he tells AFP, without blinking.